
Pro­fes­sion­al mem­bers of ASID must pass rig­or­ous accep­tance stan­dards: They must have a com­bi­na­tion of accred­it­ed design edu­ca­tion and/or full-time work expe­ri­ence and pass a two-day accred­i­ta­tion exam­i­na­tion admin­is­tered by the Nation­al Coun­cil for Inte­ri­or Design Qual­i­fi­ca­tion (NCIDQ).

ASID Indus­try Part­ners include more than 2,700 mem­ber firms with some 7,500 indi­vid­ual rep­re­sen­ta­tives, unit­ing the pro­fes­sion­al design­er with man­u­fac­tur­ers of design-relat­ed prod­ucts and services.


LEED, or Lead­er­ship in Ener­gy and Envi­ron­men­tal Design, is an inter­na­tion­al­ly-rec­og­nized green build­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem. Devel­oped by the U.S. Green Build­ing Coun­cil (USGBC) in March 2000, LEED pro­vides build­ing own­ers and oper­a­tors with a frame­work for iden­ti­fy­ing and imple­ment­ing prac­ti­cal and mea­sur­able green build­ing design, con­struc­tion, oper­a­tions and main­te­nance solutions.

LEED pro­motes sus­tain­able build­ing and devel­op­ment prac­tices through a suite of rat­ing sys­tems that rec­og­nize projects that imple­ment strate­gies for bet­ter envi­ron­men­tal and health performance.



Car­ol Fac­cinet­ti grad­u­at­ed from the pres­ti­gious Archi­tec­ture and Inte­ri­or design school Wash­ing­ton State Uni­ver­si­ty in 1978 with a BS in Inte­ri­or Design.