
image-2Car­ol Fac­cinet­ti, ASID, NCIDQ, LEED-AP estab­lished her inte­ri­or design prac­tice over 20 years ago.  The firm has worked in many res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial projects, big and small, all over the west coast.  The prac­tice has added spe­cial­ty ser­vices like LEED sus­tain­able design and a divi­sion spe­cial­ly ded­i­cat­ed to the prac­tice of  aging ser­vices and “Uni­ver­sal Design” 

Regard­less of the mar­ket area or spe­cial­ty, the ulti­mate goal is to cre­ate high-qual­i­ty liv­ing and work­ing spaces that are  com­fort­able, styl­ish, appro­pri­ate and functional.